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iodised salt --- fact and fiction

From 17th May2006, a law has been passed which bans sale of un-iodised salt in India. Iodised salt is available for an average of Rs 10/- whereas un-iodised salt was available for @ Re 1/-. Where are ten rupees and where is one rupee?

Iodine is essential for memory power and as an essential ingredient in food. However iodine also evaporates above temperature of say 35 degrees Celsius. So due to hot climate in India, as soon as we open the salt pack, most of the iodine content gets evaporated. We add salt in food - do we add it while it is being cooked or after it is cooked?

If we add it during cooking, the temperature is definitely more than 45 degrees which means there is no iodine content in food transferred from salt! Iodine is available in green leafy vegetables like spinach and 6 such other natural sources.

Salt alone need not be forced upon as iodine source. So cold states like Himachal,
Arunanchal, J&K can have that as a law to have iodized salt. But why the whole of India?
Just so that MNCs can get 15000 crores of rupees from selling iodized salt in India?
Whom are we favoring here? Indian folks or MNCs?

Cattle in villages are fed broken rice & cattle drink for which people add salt, and typically they buy bags of salt (say 50kg )+ they also need large quantity of salt in coastal area to feed the coconut trees; so this issue was talked about in South-Kanara with regards to cow-feed and coconut farmers.
They can not afford to buy iodized salt.

Gurudev said, this is like a repetition of history. Mahatma Gandhiji had started Satyagraha for a restriction passed on by British rule on salt manufacture and sale in that era. It so happened that when Gurudev was told about this, He was returning from South Africa!
In British rule, 30% of income had to be spent on salt so that Britishers could make money out of erstwhile Indian pockets.
Many people in India do not even know about this law so far. We need to spread awareness and do the right thing to indicate our displeasure.

There are cigaretttes and liquor sold very openly in India, with just one message 'consumption is injurious to health' that makes it good enough for sale. Government does not do anything for such
substances, and they are behind salt!

In villages like Malegaon etc in India, even remote villages than these, we can easily get soap 'Dove' - MNCs have penetrated to the roots of India. Look at any other country -you will get what that country manufactures, anywhere in that country first and then you may have to look for other country items. Is this the case in our India?

We should all start using homegrown products wherever possible.

Else we are going to end up in making our country poorer and poorer by such salt laws in future


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